Update: After our pilot year, NYCTJH is in a stage of internal study and community-building until June 2021.


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  1. Provide political education for anyone interested in transformative justice and community accountability.
  2. Provide a space for people actively engaged in the work to process, and get consultations and support.
  3. Provide more connectivity and visibility across groups doing TJ and CA work.

These aims are achieved through bi-monthly gatherings that include a political education workshop open to everyone, followed by TJ Rx lab time for those who have filled out a group intake.


12-2pm: Political Education Workshop

2-2:30: Break

2:30-5:00: TJ Rx Lab


The political education workshops offer a specific skill, tool or issue relevant to TJ and CA work (e.g. pod mapping 101, conflict transformation, how to make a good apology).


The TJ Rx lab serves as a space where people involved in CA processes (or those working to develop them) can come and get guidance, consultation, and space to process. The labs will include TJ practitioners who can offer consulting, as well as general peer support. To participate in the labs, people will be asked to come in pods (groups of at least 2-3 people) to build the TJ practice of working in community with others and to ensure that people engaged in the work are not doing so alone.

The TJ Rx lab portion of the Hub launched at our second event on November 23rd. In September 2020, we plan to outline our 2020-2021 offerings, including whether or not more TJ Rx labs will be made available for requests.

The NYCTJH orients all of our work from the following shared values, principles, and practices. We relied on ideas developed by BATJC and Creative Interventions to establish values, principles and practices for our formation:


  • Interdependence
  • Integrity and authentic connection
  • Trust
  • Compassion
  • Humility and courage
  • Healing
  • Responsibility and accountability
  • Sharing and sustainability
  • Transformation and growth
  • Liberation and possibility
  • Safety and risk taking (recognizing that safety sometimes requires risk-taking)
  • Holism (taking into account potential well-being of all people involved)


  • Value-based work
  • Personal and systemic transformation
  • Building through relationship and trust
  • Taking accountability
  • Showing up for each other out of duty and choice
  • People who have caused harm can change, and also need to be included in changing structures and systems
  • We recognize that accountability is an ongoing process and is not imposed from the outside


  • Proactively taking accountability
  • Prioritizing our relationships with ourselves and each other over actions or goals
  • Encouraging decentralized growth
  • Holding the humanity and dignity of everyone
  • Holding contradictions and complexity
  • Engaging in personal growth and healing work outside of group
  • Collective action and collective leadership
  • Challenging oppressive dynamics in the service of connection and trust
  • Engaging in conflict openly and honestly
  • Putting the work first, keeping it moving forward
  • Individual and collective reflection and adaptation
  • Expressing gratitude and appreciation
  • Prioritize the self-determination of the survivor
  • We see safety as relative and a constant negotiation
  • We do not believe in never uncomfortable space - safety and discomfort are not the same thing

We center ourselves in work to end sexual violence because we believe it is important enough to stand on its own as an area of focus. Our survival demands this. However, we know that the daily violence of racism/white supremacy, sexism/transphobia/patriarchy, classism/capitalism, and homophobia/heterosexism are the intersecting sources of sexual violence, the reasons it happens. If we want to end sexual violence, we must end these belief systems and the institutions that support them. We work to transform ourselves and our society along the way to clear a path for healthy, affirming cultures and communities.

Source: UBUNTU